一、 质量保障
1 每一工序、每一部件、每一文件、每一言行的品质必须少保证让下序和客户都满意。
2 主动参与我们产品性能和生产流程的持续改进
3 从不回避错误,及时纠正错误,并主动采取避免错误再次发生的有效措施
4 毫无保留地提出任何有益于质量提高的建议和批评,并督促和追踪相关部门及时采纳、直改进完毕
5 工作规范有序,并始终保持本岗位的清洁卫生
First, quality assurance work quality is the fundamental guarantee of product quality, in order to implement the quality criteria, our staff must maintain the following quality every day: 1 each process, each part, each document, every word and deed quality must be less guaranteed to make the next order and customer satisfaction. 2. Actively participate in the continuous improvement of our product performance and production process; 3. Never avoid mistakes, timely correct mistakes, and take the initiative to avoid the recurrence of mistakes; 4. And always maintain the cleanliness of the post